Jun 8, 2024
Min Read
Patrick Klippen

Summer Lawn Care Tips for Northern Virginia Homeowners

As summer approaches in Northern Virginia, lawn care becomes a critical task. This season is particularly challenging due to the heat, drought, and potential for disease. Our region, known as the transition zone, experiences temperatures that are too hot for many cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass. However, with the right practices, you can keep your lawn healthy and vibrant. In this article, we'll discuss key summer lawn care tips to help you maintain a beautiful lawn.

The Importance of Proper Mowing

One of the most important aspects of summer lawn care is proper mowing. During the summer months, it’s crucial to mow your lawn to a height of 3 to 4 inches, and even closer to 4 inches during periods of extreme heat. Taller grass helps in several ways:

  • Root Development: It aids in the development of a strong root system.
  • Temperature Regulation: Taller grass shades the soil, keeping it cooler and reducing the likelihood of heat stress.
  • Overall Health: A taller lawn is generally healthier and more resilient against drought and disease.

Effective Irrigation Practices

Watering your lawn properly is another essential component of summer lawn care. The key principle to follow is to water deeply and infrequently. Here’s why:

  • Deep Root Growth: By allowing the top layer of soil to dry out between waterings, your lawn is encouraged to develop a deeper root system, which is more robust and can access cooler, moister soil layers.
  • Optimal Watering Schedule: Aim to water your lawn no more than 2 to 3 times per week. This schedule ensures that the soil dries out enough to stimulate deep root growth.

While it’s difficult to give a universal recommendation on the exact amount of water needed, tall fescue, our predominant grass type, requires about one inch of water per week. This can come from your irrigation system, a hose, or rainfall. Monitor the weather and supplement watering as needed.

Identifying and Addressing Lawn Problems

During the summer, you might notice some discoloration or unhappy areas in your lawn. It can be challenging to determine whether these issues are due to drought, disease, or insect damage. Here are some tips to help you diagnose and address these problems:

  • Drought Stress: Look for a needle-like appearance in the grass blades and a gray or silvery haze over the lawn. Drought-stressed grass may also have a purplish or darker hue.
  • Disease: Diagnosing lawn diseases can be more complex. If you suspect disease, feel free to reach out to us for assistance.
"Needling" of grass blades symptomatic of drought

Fully hydrated, healthy grass blades for comparison

Preventing and Managing Insect Damage

Many homeowners worry about grubs and other insect damage during the summer. With our lawn care program, your lawn is protected with a grub control treatment that prevents damaging insect activity. Additionally, we use an organic-based summer fertilizer that is gentle on the grass while providing the necessary nutrients for recovery from summer stress.

Dealing with Dormancy

It’s important to understand that some degree of dormancy is normal for lawns in Northern Virginia during the summer. When temperatures rise above 85°F, and especially when they reach 90-95°F, cool-season grasses may go dormant to protect themselves. This can result in a brown, less vibrant appearance. However, this is a natural defense mechanism, and your lawn will bounce back once cooler temperatures and precipitation return.


Maintaining a healthy lawn during the summer in Northern Virginia requires careful attention to mowing, watering, and monitoring for signs of stress or disease. By following these tips, you can ensure that your lawn remains resilient and attractive throughout the season. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact us. Our trained technicians are here to help you achieve the best results for your lawn.

Thank you for choosing our lawn care services. Enjoy a beautiful, healthy lawn this summer!