Apr 11, 2024
Min Read
Patrick Klippen

Spring Weed Control & What to Expect

As the cold temperatures fade, we find ourselves right in the heart of the spring season. Warmer temperatures have revived our trees, lawns, and plants. You might have noticed changes in your lawn and wondered if they're normal. Whether your lawn has been under a turf care program or you're considering starting one, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Early Spring Weeds Die Slowly

Common early spring weeds like Hairy Bittercress, Chickweed, and Henbit are winter annuals. This means they germinate in fall, remain dormant over winter, and then grow rapidly as the weather warms. While it might look like they are suddenly overwhelming your lawn, they've been there all along. These weeds seed during our fall aeration and overseeding services, making them tough to prevent. While we are fertilizing and watering the new grass seed, we are also encouraging these plants as well. However, applying a simple broadleaf weed control, which we provide during our late fall and early spring visits, can easily take care of these weeds. The herbicides we use require active growth, so patience is key—results can take several weeks as the treatment works through the weeds’ systems.

What Does a Dying Weed Look Like?

Treated weeds don't vanish overnight. Instead, they will yellow, twist, and wilt over several weeks. You may need to mow a few times before they're no longer noticeable. Keep this in mind before requesting a retreat. Applying more of the products can actually be harmful to your lawn, we just have to wait for the products to work and they will.

Mowing Your Lawn Will Speed Up The Kill

Herbicides are only effective when weeds are actively growing, so mowing a few days after treatment can speed up the kill. This encourages growth in the weeds which will speed up the effects of the herbicide quickly.

In the picture above, both plants were sprayed on the same day, about a week prior. The top weed has not been mowed and shows significantly less damage then the bottom weed, which was mowed a few days after treatment.

Perennial Weeds Emerge Later

Between our first and second visits, you might notice new weeds, especially if you're new to our program. These aren't weeds that were overlooked on our first visit; rather, they are perennial weeds that emerge later in the season. Once soil temperatures consistently hit about 50 degrees, weeds like Dandelions and Clover appear. Don’t worry; these will be addressed during our upcoming scheduled visit. These weeds will be eradicated from your lawn once you have been on a program for a calendar year, as we have had an opportunity to treat them the previous season.

Feel free to reach out with any questions about our services or direct message us on Instagram @SimplyTurf. Thanks for reading, and have a great day!